An Ancient Imperial Roman Carved White Marble Male Portrait Head Possibly of a Senator with Intensely Wrinkled Forehead and Short Full Beard and Hair Rendered by Irregular Incised Chisel Strokes

Old extensive damages
3rd Century AD
SIZE: 24.5 cm high, 16 cm wide, 20 cm deep - 9¾ ins high, 6¼ ins wide, 8 ins deep PROVENANCE: Ex Private collection of an Art Expert Amsterdam Netherlands Formed 1950-60's
Thence by descent the Estate Sold at Auction 2018
Among the greatest artistic achievements of the Roman Empire are portrait sculptures.
Said to be a natural expression of the Roman genius they are as much a psychological portrait as a realistic reproduction of a specific physiognomy. Derived from an ancient tradition of making funerary effigies, Roman portrait heads can be fascinating in their realism and expressive power. Determination can be read into the face of this confident man and his portrait has character. His stern humanity speaks to us across the millennia with a brooding face, an undiminished force and compelling directness.