
The English Regency style was named after George, Prince of Wales – the eldest son of George III – who became the Prince Regent in 1811 during his father’s illness. The style reached its peak with the extravagance of Carlton House in London and Brighton Pavilion in Sussex. This relatively plain chimneypiece, with leaf and flower head carved paterae end blocks, reflects the refined elegance of the period.
External height 48⅝in (123.7cm) width 64¾in (164.5cm)
Internal height 40in (101.6cm) width 40in (101.6cm)
HaywoodThis traditional, polished steel register grate combines simplicity with sophisticated Adam design. Glossop’s Stove Makers’ Assistant, published in 1771, illustrates a number of these newly fashionable late 18th Century register grates. Similar grates made by the Carron ironworks in Scotland and the Coalbrookdale foundry in Shropshire can be found among the drawings of Robert Adam.

A white marble fireplace of 18th century neoclassical design with breakfront shelf above the frieze which is decorated with circular flower decorated paterae flanked by finger flutes. The pilaster jambs are similarly fluted and capped with blockings sculpted with paterae matching those on the frieze. The opening is framed with deep astragal mouldings.
Height 53¼in (135.2cm) width 67⅛in (170.6cm)
Internal height 40¼in (102.2cm) width 40⅜in (102.6cm)
Shelf depth 8⅝in (21.8cm)

Grove register grate

Based on a fine and important George III carved pine chimneypiece by John Carr of York. The stepped moulded shelf is punctuated with delicately executed acanthus, a bold acanthus leaf frieze.
Height 54 1/2 in (138cm) width 67 in (170cm)
Internal height 43 in (109cm) width 46 1/4 in (118cm)
Footblock to footblock 59 1/2 in (151cm)
Depth 7 1/4 in (8.5cm)

Louis XVI style marble fireplace features a delicately carved frieze with rounded corners, decorated with a continuous band of interlocking, intricate guilloche, flower heads and running pearl. The flanking end blocks sport larger flower heads, also framed by pearls, while the jambs feature elongated S-shaped volutes decorated with acanthus.
Height 43⅛in (109.5) width 65⅜in (166cm)
Internal height 33½in (85cm) width 47in (119.4cm)
Shelf depth 17¼in (44cm)

Bolection Black Marble
The elegant simplicity of this black marble Bolection moulded chimneypiece is based on an example in King William III’s private dressing room at Hampton Court Palace. This timeless design is remarkable for its distinctive purity of style. Also available in white marble.
Height 46⅝in (118.5cm) width 53⅛in (135cm)
Internal height 40in (101.6cm) width 40in (101.6cm)
Shelf depth 5¾in (13.5cm)

Blake Breccia Di Medicea

The Soane
This white marble fireplace almost severe and minimalist in character, is based on the designs of Sir John Soane (1753–1837). Soane travelled to Italy in the late 18th Century, before returning to establish a highly successful architectural career, working in an increasingly abstract version of the neoclassical style. Among his great buildings were the Bank of England and Dulwich College.

jamb. have a selection of fascia to conceal bricks
between for chimney piece and fire opening.

Nursery Fender
This faithful copy of an early 19th century fire guard provides ultimate protection combined with the elegance of moulded brass and finely worked mesh.
Width 65 inches (165.1cm)
Height 27 3/4 inches (70.3cm)
Overall depth 16 inches (40.5cm)

Arts and crafts
A polished steel basket grate with rope moulded back-plate, dished log trough and a fire bar with forged iron spikes, flanked by scrolls.
Small: Height 17 7/8 in (45.3cm) width 29 in (73.6cm) depth 15 3/8 in (38.9cm)
Medium: Height 20 1/2 in (52cm) width 38 1/2 in (97.8cm) depth 15 3/8 in (38.9cm)
Large: Height 24 1/2 in (62.3cm) width 48 1/2 in (123cm) depth 15 3/8 in (38.9cm)

A brass and polished steel fire basket with pierced, serpentine apron in the time honoured 18th century Country House style.
Height 27 3/8 inches (69.5cm) width 27 3/8 inches (69.5cm) depth 15 inches (40cm)
Height 27 3/8 inches (69.5cm) width 27 3/8 inches (69.5cm) depth 15 inches (40cm)

An early George III style steel fire grate with double tiered pedestals.
Small: height 18in (45.6cm) width 24½in (62.3cm) depth 14in (35.5cm)
Large: height 21⅛in (53.6cm) width 29½in (75cm) depth 14in (35.5cm)
0411750525 ww.silafortpainting.com.au
Melbourne Chimney Sweeping
David 0414 456 666
0411750525 ww.silafortpainting.com.au
Melbourne Chimney Sweeping
David 0414 456 666